Using android on mac
Using android on mac

The open nature of the Android platform means users can expect a deep integration between their smartphone and their Windows 10 PC. If that's enough to get your heart racing, go for it.īut if you have an Android device, and in particular an up-to-date Samsung Galaxy smartphone or a Surface Duo that supports the new Link To Windows feature, the result is pure magic. On iOS devices, the only integration with Windows 10 available through this feature is the ability to open pages in Microsoft Edge from your mobile device. My original negative reaction didn't change when I tried the latest Your Phone app on an iPhone 11 Pro. When I took delivery of a new Samsung Galaxy S21 5G phone recently, I decided it was time to test these features again.Ĭonnecting an iPhone to Windows 10 is barely worth the trouble In 2020, Microsoft announced major improvements to the Your Phone app's feature set. It was certainly no match for the smooth experience Apple customers get with Continuity. The app seemed like a gimmick, and its configuration was so awkward and glitchy that I uninstalled it and didn't go back. When I first tested the Your Phone app in 2018, I was, to put it mildly, underwhelmed. If Microsoft can pull off this integration, the move would, in theory, close a gap between the Windows 10 PC and Apple ecosystems. In Apple's world, Macs, iPhones, and iPads work together smoothly using a set of features collectively known as Continuity. That participation includes a huge selection of mobile apps and services, including an app called Your Phone, whose mission is to integrate smartphone features into Windows 10.

using android on mac

Using android on mac how to#

Sure, you know how to whip around Windows 10 at full speed, but do you know these five tricks? Google Drive alternative: Decentralized and encryptedįive Windows 10 features you really should be using

Using android on mac